Easy Shrimp Scampi Recipe

If you’re a seafood lover, you’re going to love this simple and classic Italian recipe for shrimp scampi. Packed full of garlic, butter, lemon, and white wine, it’s a dish that’s bursting with flavor. Plus, it’s super easy and quick to make, so you can enjoy a restaurant-quality meal in the comfort of your own home.


Why This Recipe Works

  • Cooking the shrimp quickly and removing them from the pan prevents them from getting overcooked.
  • Adding lemon juice at the last minute keeps it from becoming bitter and preserves its fresh taste.
  • Adding butter at the end gives the sauce a silky smooth consistency.


Shrimp Buying Guide

When buying shrimp, here are some tips to help you make the best purchase:

  • Fresh shrimp isn’t always as fresh as it seems, as a majority of shrimp sold in the US is imported and previously frozen. Make sure to ask at the counter if the shrimp has been defrosted.
  • If you’re buying frozen shrimp, opt for individually quick-frozen shrimp so you can thaw exactly what you need.
  • Choose untreated shrimp and avoid those that have been chemically treated.


Step By Step Instructions

  1. Melt butter with olive oil over medium-high heat.
  2. Season shrimp with salt and pepper, then cook for one minute on each side.
  3. Add garlic and cook for another minute.
  4. Remove the shrimp from the pan, leaving behind as much garlic as possible, and set aside.
  5. Add white wine to the pan and scrape any crispy bits off the bottom, mixing it into the wine.
  6. Bring the wine to a boil and reduce the sauce by half. Lower the heat, add lemon zest, parsley, and remaining butter, stirring until melted.
  7. Add cooked linguine to the pan.
  8. Add the shrimp back into the pan and add lemon juice.
  9. Serve immediately to avoid overcooking the pasta and shrimp.


Tips For Best Results

  • If you prefer super crunchy shrimp or tend to overcook them, brine them before cooking.
  • Choose a good-quality wine that you would actually drink when cooking with wine.
  • If you prefer an alcohol-free substitute for wine, use a good-quality chicken or fish stock.
  • To avoid a greasy sauce, thoroughly mix the butter into the sauce at the end to emulsify the mixture.
  • This dish can also be served without pasta on a bed of rice pilaf or as an appetizer.

So if you’re a fan of shrimp scampi or even if you’ve never tried it before, give this easy recipe a go and enjoy a delicious, homemade seafood feast!


Source: Easy Shrimp Scampi

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