A Recipe for Mock Crab Inspired by Agatha Christie

Today we are sharing a recipe for Mock Crab inspired by the book N or M by Agatha Christie. The recipe comes from a blog called The 1940’s Experiment, which focuses on wartime recipes from Britain. The Mock Crab involves making a plate of cheesy scrambled eggs on toast, with the addition of salad dressing and vinegar to give it a hint of a crab-like taste.

Although the idea of cheesy scrambled eggs with salad dressing and vinegar may seem unusual, it is a reflection of the scarcity and rationing during wartime Britain. People had to make do with what they had and get creative with their meals.

While the taste of the Mock Crab may not have been exactly like crab, it did have a certain resemblance, possibly in terms of texture or through the power of suggestion. It was also interesting to imagine the characters in N or M, such as Tommy and Tuppence, enjoying a plate of Mock Crab for lunch at the Sans Souci.

Next week’s post will delve deeper into N or M, the Agatha Christie wartime thriller, featuring Tommy and Tuppence. The writer also mentions being on vacation in Australia, but will still schedule the post to run on Sunday. Stay tuned!


Source: Mock Crab

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