YouTuber Pilot Sentenced to Prison for Crashing Plane for YouTube Video

YouTuber Pilot Sentenced to Prison for Crashing Plane for YouTube Video


A YouTuber pilot who intentionally crashed a small plane in California for online views and sponsorship has been sentenced to six months in prison. Trevor Jacob, a former Olympic snowboarder, admitted to deliberately ejecting from his plane and allowing it to crash so he could create a YouTube video titled ‘I Crashed My Plane’.


The Crash and Investigation

Jacob orchestrated the crash on November 24, 2021, while flying from Lompoc City Airport to Mammoth Lakes. He pretended that the plane had lost power, parachuted to the ground, and recorded the whole incident with multiple cameras. Two days later, he notified the National Transportation Safety Board of the crash and claimed he would assist in locating the wreckage.

However, on December 10, 2021, Jacob transported the wreck with a helicopter to a trailer attached to his pickup truck and then to a hangar at Lompoc City Airport. He dismantled the plane and disposed of its parts in various airport trash bins to obstruct the Federal Aviation Administration’s investigation of the crash.


The YouTube Video and Backlash

Despite intense scrutiny from the aviation community, Jacob published his video two weeks after the incident. Aviation YouTubers criticized his choice of parachute, his failure to radio for help, and his decision to jump immediately instead of attempting a landing. In the video, Jacob hikes through the Los Padres forest hills before finding his wrecked plane. The video ends with him meeting an unidentified rancher.


Sentencing and Pilot’s License

Jacob, now 30 years old, pleaded guilty in June to one count of destroying and concealing evidence with the intent to obstruct a federal investigation. He was recently sentenced to six months in prison by California Judge John F. Walter.

In a video released after his sentencing, titled ‘I Got My Pilots License Back! But I’m Going To Prison,’ Jacob expressed regret for his actions and referred to himself as an ‘idiot’. He claimed that he intentionally crashed the plane as a childhood dream, not for clout, and blamed ‘bad legal advice’ for his decision to cover up the crash.



Trevor Jacob’s sentencing reflects the seriousness of his actions in intentionally crashing a plane for YouTube fame. While serving his six-month prison term, he hopes to continue his personal growth. The incident serves as a reminder of the potential dangers and consequences associated with seeking attention and creating sensationalized content for social media platforms.


Source: An influencer pilot who crashed his plane for his YouTube channel has been sentenced to 6 months in prison, prosecutors say

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