Why Kevin McCarthy Visited Mar-a-Lago After January 6: Insights from Liz Cheney's Book

Why Kevin McCarthy Visited Mar-a-Lago After January 6: Insights from Liz Cheney’s Book

Concerns over Trump’s Mental State

In her upcoming book, “Oath and Honor,” former Wyoming GOP Rep. Liz Cheney revealed that Kevin McCarthy‘s post-January 6 visit to Mar-a-Lago was prompted by concern over former President Donald Trump’s mental state.

Cheney, who was the chair of the House Republican Conference at the time, questioned McCarthy’s decision to visit Trump at the South Florida resort so soon after the attack on the US Capitol, exclaiming, “Mar-a-Lago? What the hell, Kevin?”

According to Cheney, McCarthy responded by explaining that Trump was “depressed” and “not eating.” The former president’s state of mind prompted the visit.


Controversy Surrounding the Visit

McCarthy’s visit to Mar-a-Lago generated substantial criticism from both political allies and adversaries who believed the timing was inappropriate. His decision to meet with Trump just three weeks after the attack fueled outrage.


Mixed Reactions within the Republican Party

Cheney’s book also reveals that McCarthy’s visit to Mar-a-Lago was met with anger and disgust from several other Republicans. Some even mocked McCarthy, circulating a photo of him with Trump alongside a quote from the movie Jerry Maguire, saying, ‘You.. complete… me.’


McCarthy’s Defense and Motive

McCarthy defended his decision to visit Trump, stating that he wanted to unite the party ahead of the 2022 midterms. He viewed the meeting as an effort to strengthen the Republican Party as they planned their strategy to win back the House.


The Aftermath and McCarthy’s Tenure

McCarthy’s visit played a role in his bid for the speakership, but he faced pushback from conservative hardliners within the party. Despite eventually securing the role, McCarthy’s tenure as Speaker of the House was short-lived. He was ousted in October after facing dissent from hardliners over budget cuts.


Cheney’s Clash with Trump

Liz Cheney’s book also highlights her clash with Trump following January 6. Cheney served as the vice chair of the House committee that investigated the Capitol attack and faced controversy within the party as a result. She sought reelection in 2022 but was ultimately ousted in Wyoming’s GOP primary.


Release of Book

“Oath and Honor” is scheduled to be released on December 5, offering further insights into the post-January 6 dynamics within the Republican Party.


Source: McCarthy visited Mar-a-Lago after January 6 because staffers said Trump was ‘not eating,’ Liz Cheney writes in forthcoming book

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