Whitney Wolfe Herd's Daily Routine: Balancing Work and Family

Whitney Wolfe Herd’s Daily Routine: Balancing Work and Family

Morning Routine

  • Whitney Wolfe Herd wakes up at 5:15 a.m.
  • She starts by responding to emails and hydrating herself with water.
  • She does a morning workout before checking her phone.


Family Time

  • Wolfe Herd spends the first 30 minutes of the morning with her family and dog.
  • She walks her older son to preschool, giving him her full attention.


Structured Workday

  • Wolfe Herd plans her calls and meetings around dropping off her son.
  • She stays connected through phone calls and Zoom meetings.
  • She goes through her inbox on Saturdays and sends emails on Monday morning.
  • Wolfe Herd balances work and family commitments during her workweek, including business deals.


Unwinding and Relaxing

  • Cooking is a way for Wolfe Herd to unwind and step away from work distractions.


Challenges and Sleep Deprivation

  • Wolfe Herd faces challenges like late nights and sleep deprivation.
  • She deals with them by taking it one hour at a time and prioritizing rest.


Source: Bumble Founder Whitney Wolfe Herd’s Daily Routine: 5:15 a.m Wake-Ups and Dialing Into Meetings After Dropping Her Son Off at School

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