Unhappy Russian Soldiers' Wives Could Become Political Headache for Kremlin

Unhappy Russian Soldiers’ Wives Could Become Political Headache for Kremlin

The Concern over Disgruntled Wives

The Kremlin is worried that the discontent among the wives and relatives of conscripted soldiers, who are unhappy with long deployments, could turn into a major political issue. According to reports, regional officials in Russia have been instructed to expedite salary payments to soldiers’ wives to prevent their dissatisfaction from escalating. The Kremlin believes that most wives are more concerned about financial stability than their husbands’ safe return from war.


Protests and Measures

On November 7, a rare public protest took place in Moscow, where the wives of deployed soldiers gathered in Teatralnaya Square demanding that their husbands be rotated away from the front lines. However, the protest was quickly disbanded by the police. Moreover, recent requests by soldiers’ wives to hold protests in Moscow and St. Petersburg have been denied. The Russian authorities are taking measures to prevent protests from spreading and ensuring that discontent does not spill out onto the streets.


The Fear of Public Discontent

The Kremlin’s concern over the disgruntled wives and relatives of soldiers is rooted in the upcoming presidential elections in March 2024. The Institute for the Study of War noted that this concern is puzzling, considering widespread approval of President Vladimir Putin among the Russian population. According to the independent Russian polling organization, the Levada Center, 82% of surveyed Russians approve of Putin as of October 2023. However, there is skepticism about the accuracy of these polls due to the fear of expressing opposition to Putin. Nevertheless, Putin faces no serious threats at the ballot box due to crackdowns on the opposition and the state-controlled media. Despite this, the Kremlin fears that the wives and mothers of mobilized soldiers, who have historically influenced public opinion during past conflicts, could form the core of an anti-war movement.


Mothers and Wives as Legitimate Critics

In a country where independent media and government oversight are lacking, and civil society activism is repressed, mothers and wives are seen as the only legitimate critics of the military. They have the power to shape public opinion when it comes to military actions. The war in Ukraine, which has had economic repercussions due to international sanctions and protests sparked by the partial mobilization of reservists, puts additional pressure on Putin and the Russian government. As the presidential elections draw near, claims have been made by the chair of Russia’s Central Election Commission about Russians who have left the country trying to discredit the upcoming elections. This suggests that the government will likely intensify censorship efforts under the guise of combating attempted internal election meddling.


Source: Putin fears the wrath of soldiers’ wives, as the Kremlin tries to buy-off potential protestors, report says

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