The Rising Security Costs and Challenges for Synagogues amid an Increase in Antisemitic Incidents

The Rising Security Costs and Challenges for Synagogues amid an Increase in Antisemitic Incidents

Synagogues and Increasing Security Challenges

As the Israel-Hamas war continues, the surge in antisemitic incidents puts synagogues at higher risk and highlights the need for heavier security measures. Rabbis and synagogue leaders are grappling with the increasing security costs, often referred to as an ‘antisemitism tax,’ which strain their limited resources.


The Burden of Safety

Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz, the senior rabbi at Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun in New York City, expresses deep concern over the safety of his congregation. The tragic Tree of Life synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh in 2018 heightened fears about synagogue safety, and the recent sharp spike in antisemitic incidents during the Israel-Hamas war has further escalated these concerns.


An Unsustainable “Antisemitism Tax”


The Cost of Antisemitism

The recent surge in antisemitism can be attributed, in part, to the misguided association of the actions of the Israeli government with all Jews and Jewish institutions. Rabbi Jill Jacobs explains that protests against Israeli policies in Gaza often extend to targeting Jewish institutions as well, which is a manifestation of antisemitism. This constant targeting necessitates that synagogues operate with heightened security measures, significantly distinguishing them from other religious organizations.


The Critical Need for Funding

While there is some federal funding available for synagogue security, it is not sufficient to address the growing need. The Nonprofit Security Grant Program offers grants up to $150,000 for physical security enhancements, but this amount is often not enough to cover the full costs. Rabbis argue that the disparity between funding and need is substantial, diverting resources away from other community-building initiatives security receives priority.


The Balancing Act

Creating a secure environment shifts the atmosphere of synagogues, potentially making them feel closed off and inaccessible. While a visible police presence can provide reassurance, it may also alienate certain members who have been disproportionately affected by police violence. In response to the current climate, some synagogues strive to strike a balance between safety and maintaining an open, welcoming atmosphere to continue their outreach work and foster connections with other communities.


Fighting Antisemitism Beyond Security

While enhanced security measures are necessary, combating antisemitism requires a comprehensive approach that includes training, education, and cultivating relationships with other communities. Rather than building fortresses around Jewish institutions, breaking down walls and fostering understanding can be powerful tools in the fight against hatred.


Continued Challenges

The challenge of balancing physical safety with the need to maintain vibrant, sustainable organizations persists in Jewish spaces. The rising number of antisemitic incidents, symbolized by the appearance of swastikas on synagogue doors, intensifies the urgency of finding effective solutions. Synagogues continue to navigate the complexities of security while striving to create inclusive and welcoming environments, even amidst the financial and emotional strain.


Source: US synagogues face skyrocketing security costs. Rabbis call it an ‘antisemitism tax.’

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