The Power of Spousal Career Advice: When Your Partner Knows What's Best

The Power of Spousal Career Advice: When Your Partner Knows What’s Best

The Value of Spousal Advice

When it comes to career advice, even top professionals and executives turn to their loved ones for guidance. Disney’s chief executive Bob Iger, for example, credits his wife Willow Bay for convincing him to return to his position at the media giant.

Despite not being interested in coming back to Disney, Iger said that his wife reminded him of his long tenure at the company and the responsibility he had towards it. She reminded him that if the board wanted him back, then he owed it to the company to say yes. Iger realized that she was right and made the decision to rejoin Disney.

This is not unique to Bob Iger. Many successful individuals have found immense value in seeking career advice from their spouses. Actor Matt Damon, for instance, acknowledges his wife’s role in helping him maintain professionalism and stay committed to his craft.


Paris Hilton as a Business Advisor

The power of spousal advice is not limited to celebrities alone. Carter Reum, a self-made millionaire and investor, credits his wife Paris Hilton with offering him valuable insights into the creator economy. Reum believes that having a life partner who encourages personal and professional growth is crucial to success.

Experts echo the sentiment that choosing the right life partner is one of the most impactful career decisions a person can make. Having a supportive spouse who understands your ambitions and can provide guidance during moments of doubt can be the difference between seizing a major career opportunity or walking away from it.


Source: Bob Iger says he never expected to go back to Disney, but when the call came his wife convinced him to return

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