The Health Benefits of Climbing Stairs: What You Need to Know

The Health Benefits of Climbing Stairs: What You Need to Know


Choosing the stairs over the elevator has been considered sage fitness advice for years, and a new study confirms this health tip. According to a study published in the journal Atherosclerosis, climbing just five flights of stairs per day could reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by 20%. This article explores the benefits of stair climbing for heart health, the limitations of the study, and provides tips for incorporating stair workouts into your exercise routine.


Why Stair Walking is Good for You

Heart disease is a leading cause of death in the United States, responsible for one in five deaths each year. Stair climbing falls under the category of aerobic exercise, which reduces the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart disease. Stair walking also improves leg power, back strength, and bone density. It is a form of exercise that requires exertion, balance, and core strength, making it beneficial for combating frailty and muscle weakness.


Climbing Stairs for Better Heart Health

To improve heart health, it is recommended to incorporate aerobic activities into your exercise regimen. Climbing stairs is considered a moderate exercise that burns approximately eight to 11 calories per minute. Alongside exercise, it is important to consider the six pillars of lifestyle medicine, which include eating whole, plant-based foods, prioritizing restorative sleep, engaging in at least 150 minutes of movement per week, avoiding risky substances, and making time for social connections. Prioritizing these behaviours can prevent up to 80% of instances of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.


Stair Workouts to Try

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    Stair Interval Training

    Alternate climbing one flight of stairs at a controlled pace and one at a slightly quicker pace. Repeat three to five times, depending on your comfort level. Take a break and repeat the workout once or twice more.

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    Stair Climbing and Calisthenics

    Create a circuit workout that combines climbing a few flights of stairs at a moderate pace with strength training exercises such as push-ups or crunches. For example, climb three sets of stairs, do 10 squats, rest for one minute, and repeat the circuit.

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    Stair Climbing by Time

    Set a timer for 10 minutes and walk up the stairs or use a stair climber at a slow, sustained effort. Take a five-minute break before returning for another 10-minute session.


Source: The secret weapon for heart health and living longer could be climbing a few flights of stairs every day. Here’s how

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