The 11 Most Beautiful Countries According to Guinness World Record Holder Cassandra De Pecol

The 11 Most Beautiful Countries According to Guinness World Record Holder Cassandra De Pecol


Cassandra De Pecol celebrated her 27th birthday in Mongolia. At the time, she was rushing to break a world record for travel. She felt burned out and wanted to immerse herself in a place with no cell reception or WiFi. She set up camp in the Khan Khentii Strictly Protected Area and spent her days exploring the breathtaking landscapes.



Every time De Pecol visits Switzerland, she heads straight to the mountains. The villages scattered among them add a charm and homey feeling that leaves her feeling positive. She enjoys hiking to the highest peak she can and sharing the space with free-roaming animals.



Canada holds a special place in De Pecol’s heart. From the French-influenced cultural richness of Quebec to the coastal allure of Vancouver, she has had extraordinary experiences throughout the country. The Rockies, with their awe-inspiring scenery, remain her favorite.



Although often overlooked among Caribbean destinations, Dominica is a hidden gem. De Pecol enjoyed daily hikes down to the beach, kayaking through picturesque coves, and exploring lush rainforests and cascading waterfalls. The island’s commitment to sustainability and the kindness of the locals left a lasting impression on her.


United States

The United States and its territories offer a diverse range of natural beauty. From vibrant fall foliage in the Northeast to lush rainforests and majestic volcanoes in Hawaii and Puerto Rico, there is something for everyone. De Pecol particularly loves Vermont in the autumn, the Colorado mountains in the winter, and the deserts of Arizona, California, and Utah in the spring.



The Maldives is known for its breathtaking beach settings, mesmerizing sunsets, and crystal-clear waters. De Pecol appreciates the country’s commitment to sustainability, making it a standout choice for beauty and environmental consciousness.


Costa Rica

Costa Rica’s incredible natural allure, from active volcanoes to towering waterfalls and beautiful beaches, captivates De Pecol. She has fond memories of her time in the Puerto Limon district and exploring the Gulf of Papagayo. The combination of laid-back vibes and a touch of luxury makes Costa Rica magical for her.



Peru stands out to De Pecol as one of South America’s most captivating countries. From the majestic peaks of the Andes to the ancient marvels of Machu Picchu and the richness of the Amazon rainforest, Peru’s allure is unparalleled.


New Zealand

New Zealand offers stunning landscapes, from lush green valleys to pristine lakes reflecting the surrounding mountains. De Pecol cherished her time in Auckland and enjoyed exploring the fjords and captivating harbor of Queenstown.



Jordan is a treasure trove of ancient wonders, including the spellbinding city of Petra. De Pecol only had a couple of days to explore, but each moment was filled with awe. She hopes to return to experience Wadi Rum, a protected area known for its otherworldly beauty.


South Africa

South Africa has captured De Pecol’s heart with its harmonious blend of mountains and sea. Cape Town, in particular, resonates deeply with her, as it combines her love for vast mountains and beaches. Exploring the Cape of Good Hope and racing an Ironman 70.3 left lasting impressions on her.


Source: I earned a Guinness World Record for visiting all 193 countries alone. Here are my picks for 11 most beautiful countries in the world.

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