Teen's Dog Saves His Life by Alerting Parents to Stroke

Teen’s Dog Saves His Life by Alerting Parents to Stroke

A Stroke at 17

In the early hours of the morning, 17-year-old Gabriel Silva from Spring, Texas had a stroke. Little did he know that his loyal companion, a border collie named Axel, would come to his rescue.


An Unexpected Wake-Up Call

Amanda Tanner, Gabriel’s mother, was sound asleep when Axel jumped on her bed at 5 a.m. Axel’s persistence and restlessness were unusual, but she assumed he needed to go outside. Her husband went downstairs to let the dog out, but Axel refused to leave Gabriel’s bedroom door. This strange behavior suggested something was wrong.


A Loyal and Intuitive Friend

Axel had always been protective of his family, but his behavior that morning was different. He sensed that Gabriel was in distress and drew attention to the situation. Just like when he once jumped into the pool, thinking one of the children was drowning, Axel displayed his intuition and loyalty.


A Desperate Attempt to Communicate

As Gabriel struggled to walk around his room, he suddenly felt disoriented. When he tried to tell his father what had happened, he realized he couldn’t speak. Panic set in as he realized something was seriously wrong. Instructed by his dad, Gabriel made his way to his mother’s room, where he began to lose mobility on his right side, confirming the need for medical attention.


A Stroke, a Teen, and a Lesson in Life

Amanda Tanner, like many others, mistakenly believed that strokes only happened to older individuals. Gabriel, a healthy and active high-school student, had shown no prior health issues. This life-altering experience shattered her perception and left her reeling, facing the unimaginable possibility of her son losing his ability to speak and needing a wheelchair for life. Fortunately, Gabriel’s quick arrival at the hospital allowed for immediate treatment. He was diagnosed with an artery dissection, a condition where a blood vessel in the brain is injured and narrowed. This diagnosis was given by Sabih Effendi, a cerebrovascular and endovascular neurosurgeon and the stroke medical director at the hospital where Gabriel was admitted.


The Importance of Time and Canine Companionship

Gabriel’s prognosis vastly improved because of the swift administration of blood thinners. Had Axel not alerted his family and medical attention was delayed, the damage to his brain would likely have been irreversible. The bond between Gabriel and Axel played a significant role in his recovery.


Hopeful for the Future

Thanks to intense therapy, Gabriel has made tremendous progress. With physical, occupational, and speech therapy, he is now walking, eating, and talking. Gabriel looks forward to returning to school and playing soccer again. Axel’s quick thinking not only saved Gabriel’s life but also provided hope and determination for the journey ahead.


Source: When a 17-year-old had a stroke, the family dog alerted his parents. It saved the teen’s life.

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