Tech Employment Trends: Understanding the Full Story

Tech Employment Trends: Understanding the Full Story

As the leader of a company that tracks tech employment trends, Art Zeile has had a front-row seat to the industry’s highs and lows over the past few decades. It is an interesting time for both workers and decision-makers in the tech sector. However, it is important to beware of news headlines that only show one side of the story.

While it is true that tech salaries are on the rise in certain specialties such as Artificial Intelligence, cybersecurity, and cloud engineering, these spikes in salary should be viewed as outliers. The average compensation for tech roles rose by roughly 7% in 2022, but apart from these hot spots, salaries across the tech sector are not as favorable as they may appear.

Despite turnarounds in the overall unemployment rate across the tech sector, technologists have less bargaining power. Job postings for tech roles have dropped significantly compared to last year, indicating a tech recession. The U.S. tech economy operates differently than other sectors, and it has recently lost a significant number of tech jobs. Employers are wary of hiring tech employees despite the overall growth of the economy.

Salary is only one part of the story when it comes to tech hiring trends. Other factors such as career development, flexibility, work-life balance, and culture also play a significant role in workers’ decision-making and loyalty. Tech workers want remote and hybrid work options, and they expect flexibility to continue even as we head into 2024.

Contrary to the assumption that AI will take away tech jobs and lower salaries, AI is not likely to change the role of being a technologist in the next five to 10 years. Instead, technologist salaries are expected to climb as employers ask these professionals to take on more diverse responsibilities.

In an industry that evolves rapidly, it is important to do thorough research and not take trending headlines at face value. What may appear on the surface may only present part of the story.


Source: Salaries, hiring, AI: Here’s what’s really happening with U.S. tech jobs

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