Taiwan's Former President Warns of Defeat in War with China

Taiwan’s Former President Warns of Defeat in War with China

Taiwan’s Former President’s Warning

Ma Ying-jeou, Taiwan’s president from 2008 to 2016, recently issued a warning that Taiwan would be soundly defeated in a direct military conflict with China. In an interview with Deutsche Welle, Ma stated, “No matter how you defend yourself, you can never fight a war with the mainland. You can never win.” He emphasized that China is too large and much stronger than Taiwan, making victory impossible.


Peaceful Approach to Beijing

Avoiding war with China has been a key focus for Ma and his party, the Kuomintang, in their campaign leading up to the upcoming elections in Taiwan. They argue for building peace with Beijing and blame the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for worsening cross-strait tensions. Under the DPP’s governance, Taiwan has taken a more aggressive stance towards China, while Chinese leader Xi Jinping has expressed his willingness to “reunify” the two territories by force, if necessary.


Military Deterrence and Diplomacy

When asked about Taiwan’s ability to hold off the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) until US forces arrive, Ma dismissed the idea as too optimistic. He stressed the military superiority of mainland China and advocated for non-confrontational diplomacy with Xi Jinping. According to Ma, relying solely on defense is not enough and a diplomatic approach is necessary to maintain peace.


Taiwan’s Election Focus

The upcoming elections in Taiwan are heavily influenced by relations with China and the prospect of war. The Kuomintang party presents itself as the path to avoiding war with China, while the DPP’s candidate, Lai Ching-te, promises to continue resisting China in line with President Tsai Ing-wen’s policies. Tsai’s tenure has seen closer ties with the US, which has provoked Beijing and led to military exercises aimed at intimidating Taiwan.



Ma Ying-jeou’s warning about Taiwan’s vulnerability in a war with China highlights the high stakes and tensions surrounding the upcoming elections. The differing approaches of the Kuomintang and the DPP towards relations with Beijing are at the forefront of political discourse in Taiwan. As China’s influence grows, navigating this delicate situation will require careful diplomacy and strategic thinking.


Source: Taiwan can ‘never win’ a war against China, its ex-president says

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