Stability AI Introduces Compact and Powerful Stable Code 3B for AI-Powered Code Generation

Stability AI Introduces Compact and Powerful Stable Code 3B for AI-Powered Code Generation


Stability AI, a leading vendor in generative AI technology, has announced the release of its latest AI model, Stable Code 3B. This commercially licensed model, available through membership, is designed to revolutionize code completion capabilities for software development. With a focus on compactness and performance, Stable Code 3B offers impressive capabilities even on laptops without dedicated GPUs.


Improvements in Stable Code 3B

Stability AI has made several significant improvements to Stable Code since its initial release. Unlike previous versions, Stable Code 3B not only suggests new lines of code but can also fill in larger missing sections in existing code, thanks to its advanced code completion capability known as Fill in the Middle (FIM). The training process for the model has been optimized using Rotary Position Embeddings (RoPE), allowing for context length of up to 100k tokens. These enhancements enable Stable Code 3B to deliver superior performance and quality.


Training and Performance

Stable Code 3B is built on Stability AI’s Stable LM 3B natural language model. Through focused training on software engineering data, the model has acquired code completion skills while maintaining its proficiency in general language tasks. The training data included code repositories, programmer forums, and other technical sources. Stable Code 3B has been trained on 18 different programming languages and has demonstrated exceptional performance on benchmark tests across multiple languages, including Python, Java, JavaScript, Go, Ruby, and C++. In fact, early benchmarks reveal that Stable Code 3B matches or exceeds the completion quality of models twice its size.


Competition and Market

The market for generative AI code generation tools is highly competitive, with Meta’s CodeLLaMA 7B as one of its largest and most popular options. On the 3-billion parameter front, the StarCoder LLM, co-developed as an open-source effort by IBM, HuggingFace, and ServiceNow, also holds popularity. Stability AI asserts that Stable Code 3B outperforms StarCoder across various programming languages, including Python, C++, JavaScript, Java, PHP, and Rust.


Stability AI’s Membership Subscription Offer

Stable Code 3B is now commercially available through Stability AI’s membership subscription service. This subscription presents access to Stable Code 3B as well as other AI tools within Stability AI’s portfolio, such as SDXL stable diffusion image generation tools, StableLM Zephyr 3B for text content generation, Stable Audio for audio generation, and Stable Video for video generation.


Source: Stability AI releases Stable Code 3B to fill in blanks of AI-powered code generation

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