Should You Work for an “Evil” Company?

A reader recently reached out with a challenging question: should they work for a company that has a questionable reputation? Although this decision is a personal one, let’s explore some factors that can help guide this important choice.

The reader, an academic plant geneticist, has decided to transition from academia to the biotech industry. They have applied for numerous jobs and have received the most positive response from Monsanto, a company known for its controversial actions.


Evaluating the Pros and Cons

On one hand, Monsanto offers stability, competitive compensation, and opportunities for collaboration—qualities that make it appear desirable as an employer. On the other hand, the company’s reputation raises concerns about potential social and ethical repercussions.


Analyze Your Values and Beliefs

Before making a decision, it is crucial to reflect on your own personal values and beliefs. Consider how aligned you are with the practices and policies of Monsanto. While large corporations often face criticism, it is essential to evaluate your own stance on the issues surrounding the company.

As someone who is pro-genetically modified organisms (GMOs) but also has reservations, you may find it helpful to weigh the positive contributions Monsanto has made in advancing biotechnology against any negative impact.


People, Perception, and Professional Relationships

Another aspect to consider is the potential impact on your personal and professional relationships. Working for a controversial company like Monsanto may lead to losing friendships or experiencing uncomfortable conversations. Reflect on your ability to navigate these challenges and whether the perceived stigma associated with the company aligns with your own values.

Furthermore, think about how comfortable you would be disclosing your employer to others, including strangers. If this is a concern, it is important to acknowledge its potential impact on your overall happiness and satisfaction in your career.


Black or White: Shades of Gray

Working for a company with a negative reputation is not a decision that can be simplified as black or white. It requires careful consideration of various aspects, including personal philosophy, potential contributions to the industry, and social consequences.

While some individuals can easily make a decisive choice in these situations, it is understandable that you find yourself seeking clarity. It may be worth exploring stories and experiences of individuals who have made similar decisions to understand a range of perspectives and motivations.



Ultimately, the decision of whether to work for an “evil” company rests upon deeply personal factors. Evaluating your own values, carefully analyzing the company’s practices, considering the impact on relationships, and contending with shades of gray can aid in finding the right path forward.


Source: Should I Work for an “Evil” Company?

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