Sheryl Sandberg to Step Down from Meta Board: A Look Back at Her Impact

Sheryl Sandberg to Step Down from Meta Board: A Look Back at Her Impact

Sheryl Sandberg’s Departure

Sheryl Sandberg, the former Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Meta, recently announced that she will be stepping down from the company’s board of directors. This marks the end of her official role at the social media giant, where she played a significant part in transforming it from a budding internet startup into a powerhouse in the digital advertising industry.

In a heartfelt post on Meta’s flagship platform, Facebook, Sandberg expressed her gratitude to the board and revealed that she will not be seeking reelection in May. However, she will continue to serve as an advisor to the company, supporting the Meta teams whenever needed.


A Trailblazing Career

Sandberg joined Facebook in 2008 as the second-in-command to co-founder Mark Zuckerberg. Her responsibilities included overseeing advertising, partnerships, business development, and operations. Prior to her time at Facebook, she had already made a name for herself with notable positions at Google, McKinsey & Co., and the US Department of the Treasury.

Under Sandberg’s leadership as COO, Facebook experienced immense growth and became one of the world’s largest companies. Together with its acquisitions Instagram and WhatsApp, Meta generated nearly $117 billion in revenue in 2022, largely thanks to its targeted advertising model.


An Influential Figure

Not only did Sandberg play a crucial role in transforming Facebook’s business, but she also became the public face of the company. Her interactions with policymakers and regulators helped shape conversations around social media and its impact.

However, as Facebook faced mounting criticism in recent years due to various issues, including privacy concerns and content moderation failures, Sandberg gradually stepped back from the limelight.

In response to Sandberg’s announcement, Zuckerberg expressed his gratitude for her unwavering commitment and acknowledged the instrumental role she played in the company’s success.


The Future of Meta’s Board

It remains uncertain whether Meta plans to fill Sandberg’s position on the board. Currently, the board consists of eight members, with Zuckerberg serving as chairman. While Meta evaluates options for board expansion, specific details have not been disclosed.


A Focus on Philanthropy

Since stepping down as COO, Sandberg has dedicated more time to philanthropic pursuits. One of her initiatives is LeanIn.Org, a nonprofit organization that launched a program called Lean In Girls. This program, aimed at girls aged 11 to 15, focuses on teaching resilience, positive risk-taking, and leadership skills.

Additionally, Sandberg was part of an investment group that brought a women’s professional soccer club to the San Francisco Bay Area. The team is set to make its debut season in 2024.


Advocating Against Sexual Violence

Most recently, Sandberg organized an event at the United Nations addressing the issue of sexual violence during the October 7 terrorist attack on Israel. This reinforces her commitment to raising awareness and finding solutions for critical social issues.


Source: Sheryl Sandberg is leaving Meta’s board, cutting her last tie after joining in 2008 as Mark Zuckerberg’s chief lieutenant

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