Schedule for Week of September 24, 2023

The upcoming week features several key economic reports. These include the August New Home sales, the third estimate of Q2 GDP, Personal Income and Outlays for August, and Case-Shiller house prices for July.

Manufacturing surveys from the Richmond, Dallas, and Kansas City Feds will also be released.

  1. 8:30 AM ET: Chicago Fed National Activity Index for August. This is a composite index of other data.
  2. 10:30 AM: Dallas Fed Survey of Manufacturing Activity for September.
  3. 9:00 AM: S&P/Case-Shiller House Price Index for July.
  4. 9:00 AM: FHFA House Price Index for July.
  5. 10:00 AM: New Home Sales for August from the Census Bureau.
  6. 10:00 AM: Richmond Fed manufacturing survey for September.
  7. 7:00 AM ET: Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) will release the results for the mortgage purchase applications index.
  8. 8:30 AM: Durable Goods Orders for August from the Census Bureau.
  9. 8:30 AM: Initial weekly unemployment claims report.
  10. 8:30 AM: Gross Domestic Product, Q2 2023 (Third Estimate), and Corporate Profits (Revised).
  11. 10:00 AM: Pending Home Sales Index for August.
  12. 11:00 AM: Kansas City Fed manufacturing survey for September.
  13. 4:00 PM: Conversation with Fed Chair Powell: A Teacher Town Hall Meeting.
  14. 8:30 AM: Personal Income and Outlays, August 2023.
  15. 9:45 AM: Chicago Purchasing Managers Index for September.
  16. 10:00 AM: University of Michigan’s Consumer sentiment index (Final for September).


Source: Schedule for Week of September 24, 2023

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