Rising Above Racism: A Story of Resilience and Community Support

Rising Above Racism: A Story of Resilience and Community Support

The False Accusations

In May of last year, David Rasavong, the owner of a Southeast Asian restaurant in Fresno, California, found himself at the center of a false and racially-charged controversy. Strange reviews mentioning dog meat began appearing on his restaurant’s online platforms, followed by a flood of scathing comments and accusations.


The Racist Stereotype of Asians Eating Dogs

Rasavong soon realized that these allegations were grounded in the harmful and unfounded stereotype that Asians eat dogs. This stereotype has a long history in the United States, rooted in xenophobia towards Chinese immigrants in the 1800s. It has persisted over the years, further exacerbated by instances like the 1904 World’s Fair, where a Filipino village exhibit portrayed the consumption of dogs as a spectacle.

In recent times, with the rise in anti-Asian sentiment and hate crimes during the COVID-19 pandemic, the stereotype has become even more prevalent.


A Devastating Impact

The false accusations had a devastating impact on Rasavong and his restaurant. The ongoing harassment, both online and offline, made it unsafe for him and his staff to operate. People even targeted other Asian-owned establishments in the area, spreading hate and discrimination. It was a heartbreaking experience for Rasavong, who had proudly opened his restaurant as a tribute to his immigrant parents.


Overcoming Adversity and Rebuilding

Despite the hardship, love and support found their way to Rasavong and his restaurant. In November, Rasavong reopened the establishment under a new name: Love & Thai. The community rallied behind him, offering their services for free and helping spread the word. Local artist Hana Luna Her even painted a mural in the restaurant, depicting Rasavong’s mother and symbolizing unity and love.

Rasavong believes that spreading love and supporting one another is key to overcoming hate and stereotypes. He hopes that the community will continue to come together, challenge their assumptions, and extend the benefit of the doubt to one another.


Source: After racist threats forced a Southeast Asian restaurant to close down, the owner reopened a new restaurant as an homage to his immigrant parents

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