Rep. George Santos Claims Niece Kidnapped in Spa...

Rep. George Santos Claims Niece Kidnapped in Spa…

Rep. George Santos recently claimed that his 5-year-old niece was kidnapped from a Queens, New York playground, according to a New York Times report. However, a ‘high-ranking’ police official noted that the incident was likely fabricated. Santos made these claims during a phone conversation with the initial reporter who exposed his past lies. The congressman mentioned receiving threats and alleged that the abduction was a result of his public statements on the Chinese Communist Party. Despite such claims, the police found no evidence to substantiate Santos’ story.

Santos’ tenure in Congress has been marred by multiple controversies. He had previously been exposed for misleading voters about his background during his campaign. In addition, he faced indictment on various charges earlier this year, including money laundering and wire fraud. His office declined to comment on the recent incident.


Source: George Santos told a NYT reporter his niece was kidnapped by Chinese Communists, but an official said he ‘made it up’

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