Recognizing Red Flags When Moving into a New Property

Recognizing Red Flags When Moving into a New Property

Moving into a new property is an exciting time, but it’s important to keep an eye out for red flags that could potentially cause financial, mental, and physical stress. Lina DaSilva, founder of Toronto Shine Cleaning, shares her expertise in residential cleaning and highlights five red flags to watch for when moving into a new place.


1. Water Damage and Mold

Water damage and mold are common red flags that should not be ignored. Not only can they have serious health implications, especially for those with asthma, but they can also lead to costly repairs in the future. Look for signs of mold, such as black specks or white stains, in areas such as under the sink, behind the bathtub, and inside closets. Cracked and bubbling walls and uneven floorboards are indicators of water damage that need to be addressed.


2. Stained Carpets

Stained carpets may indicate deeper issues such as pest infestations or water damage. Inconsistent colors in carpet stains can be a sign of water damage, while small red stains could signal the presence of bedbugs. Pest issues can lead to mental stress and financial anxiety. If you notice any evidence of pests, it’s important to request a full inspection and fumigation before agreeing to move in.


3. Cracked or Missing Caulk

Broken or missing caulk around windows and bathtubs is often an overlooked red flag. It can cause energy inefficiency and potential water damage. Heat easily escapes through broken caulk around windows, leading to higher energy bills. In the bathroom, broken caulk increases the risk of water damage. Always ensure that caulk is intact and in good condition.


4. Bad Smells

Unpleasant odors in a property can be a sign of underlying issues. It could be an indication of water damage, pests, or something more serious. If you encounter a musty smell, it’s important to investigate the cause. Sometimes, a property’s reputation can be affected by smells. Don’t hesitate to ask for a full report on where the smell is coming from.


5. Denying a Full Inspection

If real estate agents deny you a full property inspection or try to hide something, it’s a major red flag. Always visit the property in person, thoroughly inspecting every room and space. If you’re not given the opportunity to do so, it’s best to walk away. Your safety and peace of mind should always be a priority.


Leveraging Problems to Negotiate a Better Deal

Sometimes, red flags can be an opportunity to negotiate a better deal. Stained carpets or unpleasant smells could be used to lower rent or purchase price. However, more serious issues like water damage, mold, or denial of inspection should be prioritized for safety and livability rather than bargaining.


Source: 5 red flags to look for when choosing a new home, according to a professional cleaner

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