Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in Private Equity and Alternative Investments

2022 has seen a slowdown in fundraising and deal making in the global private markets industry. However, private equity (PE) and alternative investments remain significant in the global economy, managing trillions of dollars in assets. In light of this, it is important to understand the composition of talent in the industry, particularly the professionals who decide how this capital is deployed.

A recent report by McKinsey examines the diversity of talent in PE firms, focusing on gender breakdown globally and ethnicity and race in the United States and Canada. The report aims to understand the current state of diversity in the industry, the influence of institutional investors on diverse talent representation, and the challenges faced by different minority groups. While progress has been made in recent years, there are still gaps in gender diversity in senior roles and uneven progress across ethnic and racial groups and types of firms.


Source: The state of diversity in global private markets: 2023

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