People Showcase the Versatility of Meta's Quest 3 Mixed-Reality Headset

People Showcase the Versatility of Meta’s Quest 3 Mixed-Reality Headset

People all over the internet are sharing videos of themselves wearing Meta’s new Quest 3 headsets while going about their daily lives. The Quest 3 is a mixed-reality headset that allows users to experience gaming, video-watching, and internet browsing in a whole new way. With a price ranging from $499 to $649 depending on storage capacity, it is being marketed as an affordable option in the mixed-reality headset market.

One video posted by user @CixLiv shows the individual walking into a coffee shop wearing the headset and recording the cashier’s reaction. While the cashier appeared unfazed, the attention drawn by the unusual device caught the interest of others present. However, @CixLiv mentioned that the headset was too bulky and uncomfortable for regular use.

Other users, such as @Kukurio59, showcased the practicality of the Quest 3 by posting videos of themselves actively engaging in household tasks while using the headset. For example, @Kukurio59 demonstrated watching a movie while cooking, highlighting the ability to multitask the device provides. Another video shared by a Reddit user showcased using the Quest 3 to simultaneously watch videos, play games, and engage in other activities, making it a multitasker’s dream device.

Although the Quest 3 has received positive reviews, some critics have noted that it is not without its flaws. One user reported that real-world objects appeared distorted when too close to the headset. However, it is important to note that these issues are expected to be resolved in future iterations of the device.

In response to Meta’s Quest 3, Apple is planning to release their competing product, the Vision Pro. The Vision Pro is touted to offer higher-resolution screens, resulting in a more immersive experience. Testers have described it as providing a crisp and seamless viewing experience. However, it is expected to be significantly more expensive than the Quest 3, with a price seven times higher.

As of now, it is hard to determine which headset buyers will ultimately prefer. The Quest 3 has already been launched, while the Vision Pro is set to hit the market in early 2024. Both headsets offer unique features and benefits, leaving the choice up to personal preference. Regardless, it is clear that mixed-reality headsets are becoming increasingly prevalent, blurring the line between the digital and physical worlds.


Source: Video shows man walk into San Francisco coffee shop wearing Meta’s new headset and ordering: ‘Someone had to do it’

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