Passenger Fined $1,995 for Bringing Chicken Sandwich into Australia

Passenger Fined $1,995 for Bringing Chicken Sandwich into Australia


A New Zealand woman, June Armstrong, was fined $1,995 for attempting to bring a chicken sandwich into Australia. This incident sheds light on the strict rules and regulations regarding food importation into the country. Let’s take a closer look at what happened and why Armstrong was fined.


The Incident

In May, Armstrong flew from Christchurch, New Zealand to Brisbane Airport in Australia. During a routine inspection, border patrol staff discovered the sandwich in her bag. Despite explaining that she had simply forgotten about it, Armstrong was slapped with a hefty fine of 3,300 New Zealand dollars.


Appealing the Fine

Upon receiving the fine, Armstrong attempted to appeal it but faced difficulties in doing so. Her appeals went unanswered, with only automatic email replies received. It was only after media intervention that Australia’s Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry acknowledged the incident and commented on it, around six months after the event.


The Impact on Armstrong

The fine has posed financial troubles for Armstrong, as she and her husband rely on their pensions. She expressed her frustration, stating that everyone she shows the fine to is shocked and cannot believe it.


Strict Regulations and Penalties

Australia has strict regulations regarding the importation of food items, especially meat products. The rules can change rapidly in response to disease outbreaks, making it essential for travelers to stay informed about the latest requirements. Failure to comply with the regulations can result in significant fines, with penalties of up to 6,260 Australian dollars for unauthorized food items.


Similar Incidents

This incident is not an isolated case. In the past, passengers have been fined for inadvertently bringing undeclared items into Australian airports. In one instance, a passenger was fined $1,200 for carrying a rose, while another passenger was fined $1,870 for packing McMuffin sandwiches on a flight from Bali to Australia.


Source: A 77-year-old woman was fined for bringing a chicken sandwich into Australia, and she says she had to use her pension to pay it off

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