Neo-Nazis March in Downtown Madison, Wisconsin

Neo-Nazis March in Downtown Madison, Wisconsin

Neo-Nazis March with Hate Symbols in Madison, Wisconsin

A group of neo-Nazis, associated with the white supremacist hate group known as Blood Tribe, recently marched in downtown Madison, Wisconsin. The masked marchers walked along State Street chanting derogatory slogans and waving swastika flags. They culminated their march in James Madison Park, after passing by a historic synagogue.


Condemnation from Madison’s Mayor and Police Department

Madison’s mayor, Satya Rhodes-Conway, expressed deep concern over the presence of the hate group and condemned their actions. She stated, “Madison does not want or welcome hate groups like the one that invaded our community today.” The Madison Police Department also issued a statement reaffirming their commitment to protecting First Amendment rights while emphasizing their disapproval of hateful rhetoric.


A Call to Combat Anti-Semitism and Hate

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers described the march as “truly revolting.” David Goldenberg, the ADL Midwest Regional Director, urged communities to speak out against anti-Semitism and hate, emphasizing the need to take tangible measures to ensure the safety of Jewish individuals. These incidents serve as a reminder of the ongoing battle against bigotry and the importance of unity in combating hate.


Source: Neo-Nazis parading swastikas, chant ‘there will be blood,’ and gather outside a synagogue in Wisconsin, say reports

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