Mid-week Morning Train Reads

  1. 24 Things to Consider About Investing: In the world of investing, simplicity beats complexity. Holding investments for a longer period of time is often more important than trying to time the market. And most importantly, having a strategy that you can stick with is far more valuable than chasing after a supposedly great strategy that you can’t maintain.
  2. Atlanta’s Office Market Struggles Despite Booming Economy: Despite a booming economy, the office market in Atlanta is facing challenges. This serves as a warning for other cities hoping to fill up their office towers.
  3. Private Equity Faces Troubles with Zombie Firms: Many small private equity firms are struggling to raise fresh funds, leading to a wave of zombie firms. These struggling or fading money managers are finding it difficult to stay afloat.
  4. Institutional Investors and their Thoughts on Alternative Investments: Chief Investment Officers’ NextGen honorees share their perspectives on various alternative investments such as venture capital, private equity, private credit, and infrastructure.
  5. German Auto Manufacturers Dive into Electric Vehicles: German auto giants Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz Group, and BMW are pouring $406 billion into electric vehicles. However, they are lagging behind U.S.-based Tesla and Chinese company BYD in the race toward the electric vehicle future.
  6. The Challenges Faced by Apple in Building Key Parts for iPhones: Apple’s attempt to design its own silicon chip, to reduce dependence on long-term supplier Qualcomm, has faced significant difficulties. The tensions between Apple and Elon Musk’s social-media company are also explored.
  7. The Role of Poets in Silicon Valley’s AI Development: Training data companies in Silicon Valley are hiring poets, writers of fiction, drama, poetry, and humanities experts to enhance AI creative writing capabilities.
  8. The Knicks’ Potential to Attract Star Players Again: The New York Knicks’ gradual improvement and patience as a franchise may soon pay off. They could become an attractive destination for superstar players if they become available in the future.
  9. The Most Successful Hollywood Movie: Determining the most successful Hollywood movie of all time depends on how it is measured. Several data-based approaches can be used to find the answer.
  10. A Guide to Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce: A glossary providing everything you need to know about the evolving relationship between Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce and pop star Taylor Swift.

Be sure to check out this weekend’s Masters in Business episode featuring Armen Panossian, incoming Co-CEO and Head of Performing Credit at Oaktree Capital Management. Armen Panossian oversees all performing credit at Oaktree and previously managed distressed debt strategy for Pequot Capital Management.

The New York Times highlights the ongoing greatest wealth transfer in history, with familiar wealthy individuals being the beneficiaries.


Source: 10 Wednesday AM Reads

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