Matthew Perry's Death Highlights the Dangers of Ketamine Misuse

Matthew Perry’s Death Highlights the Dangers of Ketamine Misuse

Matthew Perry’s Death: A Tragic Accident

Matthew Perry, known for his struggles with addiction and mental health, tragically passed away, and the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office has ruled his death an accident caused by acute effects of ketamine.


The Popularity and Potential of Ketamine

In recent years, ketamine has gained popularity as a treatment for depression. Some proponents believe it has life-saving potential and can help individuals with severe, drug-resistant depression. There are even stories of it effectively preventing suicide within hours of treatment. Additionally, ketamine has been used in couples therapy to help partners rebuild their lives together.


The Risks of Ketamine Misuse

However, Matthew Perry’s death highlights the dangers of ketamine misuse. While the drug can be safe and beneficial when taken under medical supervision, recreational use can lead to addiction and tragic outcomes. The Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office found traces of ketamine in Perry’s system, but it remains unknown how it got there.


Ketamine and Recreational Use

Ketamine is commonly used as an anesthetic in medical settings, but it is also a party drug due to its hallucinogenic effects. A 2022 study identified 138 deaths caused by recreational ketamine use. It is crucial to differentiate between recreational and therapeutic use, as fatal doses were associated with recreational use but not when used as an antidepressant in a therapeutic setting.


The Role of Coronary Artery Disease

Perry’s death was further complicated by coronary artery disease, which likely exacerbated the effects of ketamine. These combined factors resulted in Perry losing consciousness and ultimately drowning in his hot tub.


The Need for Serious Consideration of Ketamine Risks

Some experts believe that the risks of ketamine misuse are not taken seriously enough. While it is considered safe in a medical context, there is legitimate concern about its recreational use. Ketamine abuse should be approached with the same caution and attention as other substances to prevent tragedies like the loss of Matthew Perry.


Source: Ketamine may have helped Matthew Perry before it killed him

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