Lakeside Living: The Tranquil Life of a Couple in Their Floating Tiny House

Lakeside Living: The Tranquil Life of a Couple in Their Floating Tiny House

For Sarah Spiro and Brandon Jones, a floating tiny house on Fontana Lake in North Carolina was the perfect way to combine their love for water sports with their dream of living in a unique and peaceful setting. The couple bought their first floating home three years ago and embarked on a complete renovation to make it livable. Two years later, they seized an opportunity to build a new and larger floating home from scratch. The couple completed the construction of their 360-square-foot floating home and the 400-square-foot dock space outside in just two months, with a lot of hard work and dedication.


Building a New Floating Home

Building a floating house on Fontana Lake comes with strict rules and regulations set by the Tennessee Valley Authority. The couple had to purchase an existing floating house permit that allowed them to build a new home in a specific spot on the lake. They were motivated to build a larger home with a guest room and the ability to host friends and family. They also saw an opportunity to rent out their first, smaller floating home for additional income. However, they ultimately decided that being landlords was too much work, so they chose to sell it instead.


Living on the Water

Living on the water comes with its benefits and challenges. Spiro estimates that they spent around $90,000 to build their floating home, not including the permit. They pay an annual mooring fee of $5,000, which grants them access to dock space and water. Although living on the water has its logistical challenges, such as securing and transporting construction materials, Spiro and Jones find the tranquil lifestyle and affordability of their floating home to be worth it. They enjoy breathtaking views of the lake from their windows and value the peacefulness and serenity it offers.


Changing Perspectives

Living on the water has expanded Spiro’s perspective on alternative ways of living. She and Jones dream of living on a sailboat in the future, something she once considered crazy but now sees as a real possibility. Spiro and Jones have gained a significant following on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok, where they share their experiences of living on the water. They hope to inspire others and encourage them to consider alternative forms of living.


Considerations and Advice

Spiro advises individuals interested in living on a floating home to first check local regulations and restrictions before pursuing this lifestyle. Floating homes might not be allowed in many areas, so it’s crucial to ensure that it is permitted in the desired location. Living on a floating home offers a comfortable and unique living experience, but it isn’t for everyone. However, Spiro believes that those who give it a try may find it to be a rewarding and fulfilling way of life.


Source: A couple spent 2 months building a floating tiny home on a lake. They say they’ll never go back to living on land.

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