Kelly Osbourne Reveals Shocking Story of Her Mom's Unconventional Method to Stop Ozzy From Smoking

Kelly Osbourne Reveals Shocking Story of Her Mom’s Unconventional Method to Stop Ozzy From Smoking

The Poop Incident: How Sharon Osbourne Tried to Discourage Ozzy From Smoking

Kelly Osbourne, daughter of iconic rock star Ozzy Osbourne, recently revealed a shocking and hilarious story on ‘The Osbournes Podcast’ about how her mom, Sharon Osbourne, once took desperate measures to discourage Ozzy from smoking.


A Family Affair

In a candid conversation with Margaret Cho, Kelly, Sharon, and Jack Osbourne disclosed the incident that took place during a family vacation in 1995.

While on the vacation, Kelly stumbled upon her father’s stash of weed and brought it to her mom’s attention.


Kelly’s Reluctance

Sharon suggested a particularly unconventional solution to put a stop to Ozzy’s smoking habits. She asked Kelly if she needed to use the restroom and offered her an opportunity to take matters into her own hands. Despite being initially hesitant, Kelly chose not to go through with the plan.


Mom Takes Matters Into Her Own Hands

Unfazed by her daughter’s refusal, Sharon decided to take matters into her own hands. She defied all odds and decided to poop in Ozzy’s weed bag. She then quietly zipped it back up and put it back in its place, hoping her husband would never find out.


Chaos Ensues

When Ozzy eventually discovered the tampered stash, he was furious. He became unhinged and even chased his family down the hallway in a fit of anger.

Jack Osbourne, who also reflected on the incident, admitted that his father’s reaction seemed exaggerated, considering the quality of the weed that was damaged wasn’t even that great.


Extreme Measures to Curb Habits

This wasn’t the first time Sharon had resorted to extreme measures to dissuade Ozzy from his bad habits. While recounting the poop incident, Sharon also shared another outrageous story from their past. She once rubbed alcohol on her behind to discourage Ozzy from excessive drinking. Her unorthodox methods reflected her determination to protect him from the potential harm.


Ozzy’s Response

Ozzy, in a recent interview with Rolling Stone UK, shared his wife’s concerns about his vices and the impact they could have on his health. Despite this, he cheekily mentioned smoking a joint and playfully questioning Sharon’s worry. He jokingly asked, ‘How long do you want me to fucking live for?!’

Ozzy’s candid response showcases his rebellious nature and his refusal to bow down to societal expectations. While he acknowledges the potential risks, he remains unapologetically true to himself.


The Osbournes: An Unconventional Family

The Osbourne family, known for their wild and unconventional antics, continues to captivate fans with their outrageous stories and unfiltered humor. This incident involving the infamous poop incident reaffirms their status as one of the most unconventional families in the entertainment industry.


Source: Kelly Osbourne says her mom once pooped in her dad Ozzy Osbourne’s weed to stop him from smoking

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