Houthis Threaten Retaliation in the Red Sea as US and UK Launch Strikes

Houthis Threaten Retaliation in the Red Sea as US and UK Launch Strikes

Houthis Threaten Retaliation in the Red Sea

The leader of the Houthis in Yemen warned on Thursday that if the US were to strike his organization, they would respond with renewed attacks in the Red Sea. Just hours after his statement, the US and UK carried out strikes on 60 Houthi targets in a single night. This came in response to the Houthis’ “largest attack” in the Red Sea, which occurred earlier this week.


US and UK Launch Strikes

In a televised speech, Abdel-Malek al-Houthi stated, “Any American attack will not remain without a response. The response will be greater than the attack that was carried out with 20 drones and a number of missiles.” He also expressed their determination to target ships linked to Israel.

Later that evening, the US and UK used over 100 precision-guided missiles to hit more than 60 Houthi targets in Yemen. These strikes were carried out in 16 locations across the country.


Impact of the Strikes

It is still uncertain what impact these strikes will have on the Houthi organization and its ability to carry out further attacks in the Red Sea. Military strategists believe that more strikes will be necessary to effectively curb their activities in the region.


Houthi Attacks in the Red Sea

The Houthi rebels, supported by Iran, have been conducting attacks on commercial vessels in the Red Sea. They claim that these attacks are a response to Israel’s actions in Gaza. However, Human Rights Watch has stated that the Houthis have not provided evidence linking the targeted ships to Israel.

These attacks have disrupted international trade, leading shipping companies to reroute their vessels away from the Red Sea.


Ultimatum and Retaliation

Prior to the strikes, the US and UK issued an ultimatum to the Houthis, warning them of consequences if they continued their attacks. In response, the Houthis launched their “largest attack” using drones and missiles.

The airstrikes carried out by the US and UK were seen as a direct response to the Houthi’s actions. A Houthi official, unnamed by Reuters, confirmed these strikes and blamed the “American-Zionist-British aggression.”


Source: The Houthi rebels’ leader threatened earlier that a US strike would only make the group launch fiercer attacks in the Red Sea

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