House Speaker's "Adopted" Black Son Speaks Out for the First Time

House Speaker’s “Adopted” Black Son Speaks Out for the First Time

The Life-Changing Influence of House Speaker Mike Johnson

Michael Tirrell James, the ‘adopted’ Black son of House Speaker Mike Johnson, has come forward publicly to share the positive impact that Johnson has had on his life. In an interview with, James expressed gratitude for the Johnson family’s support and said that without them, his life may have taken a very different path.


From Homelessness to Stability

Johnson and his wife took custody of James when he became homeless at the age of 16. They welcomed him into their Baton Rouge, Louisiana home and raised him as their own. According to James, being taken in by the Johnsons saved him from potentially ending up in prison or worse.


An Unbreakable Bond

James, now a 40-year-old father of four, spoke about the love and support he has received from the Johnson family throughout the years. Despite a series of legal troubles that included convictions for drug possession, retail theft, and violating a restraining order, James always felt like a cherished member of the family.


A Father’s Love

House Speaker Johnson, who is a Louisiana congressman and a devout Christian, believes that James was destined to be a part of their lives. He told, ‘Kelly and I have always seen him as one of our own. Despite any mistakes he’s made, we love Michael and are blessed to have him in our family.’


The Family Connection

While Johnson never formally adopted James due to the lengthy adoption process, their bond as a family remains unbreakable. However, James chose not to participate in Johnson’s political career or campaign for him. He preferred to focus on his own life and family.


Mirroring ‘The Blind Side’

House Speaker Johnson has previously likened their story to the movie ‘The Blind Side,’ where a white couple takes in a Black teenager who goes on to achieve great success. While James may not have become a football star, he has found stability and love thanks to the Johnson family’s intervention.


Source: Speaker Mike Johnson’s ‘adopted’ Black son said he would ‘probably be in prison’ if not for him

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