Hollywood Actors Approve Contract to End Strike

Hollywood Actors Approve Contract to End Strike

The End of the Labor Strife

Hollywood’s actors have voted to ratify the deal with studios that ended their strike after nearly four months, bringing an official finish to the labor strife that shook the entertainment industry for most of 2023.

The approval of the three-year contract from the members of the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists announced Tuesday night by union leaders was no certainty, with some prominent members voicing dissent on the deal their negotiators bargained for.

The outcome is a major relief for SAG-AFTRA leaders and an entertainment industry that is attempting to return to normal after months of labor strife. And it brings a final, official end to Hollywood labor’s most tumultuous year in half a century, with two historic strikes that shook the industry.


The Voting Results

Just over 38% of members cast votes, SAG-AFTRA said. All 145,000 members could vote on the deal, not just the approximately 60,000 TV and movie actors who went on strike and work under the contract.

The 78% yes result in voting that began Nov. 13 and ended Tuesday was a far cry from the near-unanimous approval and widespread enthusiasm members of the writers guild gave to the deal that ended their strike in September.

But the approval still showed the membership’s strength and unity, despite vocal complaints on social media.


The Issue of Artificial Intelligence

Control over the use of artificial intelligence was the most hard-fought issue in the long, methodical negotiations, and became the main driver of dissent during the voting.

SAG-AFTRA President Fran Drescher made it clear that making sure AI reproductions of actors could only be used with their informed consent and compensation was a “deal breaker” in the talks.

Some prominent members, however, disagreed with the handling of the AI issue and cited it as a reason to vote against the contract. They raised concerns about the impact on performers’ autonomy and financial futures.


Support for the Agreement

Despite the dissenting voices, many prominent actors voiced strong support for the agreement. They emphasized the deal’s financial gains and believed that it was a step forward.

The contract calls for a 7% general pay increase with further hikes coming in the second and third years of the deal. It also includes a provision to pay performers for future viewings of their work on streaming services, in addition to traditional residuals for movies or series.


The Future of Labor Negotiations

The provision in the contract addressing streaming services is an attempt to address the changing landscape of the industry, which is increasingly dominated by streaming. However, it is anticipated that this reality will lead to more labor fights and potential strikes in the future.

Now, with the approval of the contract, Hollywood can breathe a sigh of relief as it strives to return to normalcy. After months of labor strife, the industry can focus on moving forward, paving the way for new productions and opportunities for actors.


Source: SAG-AFTRA strike that crippled Hollywood is officially over

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