Heavy Truck Sales Show Solid Growth in September

Heavy Truck Sales Show Solid Growth in September

According to the latest data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), heavy truck sales in September 2023 recorded solid growth, showing a 5% increase compared to the same period last year. Graphs depicting heavy truck sales since 1967 highlight the impact of the great recession and the subsequent recovery, with sales reaching a record high of 570 thousand annual sales rate (SAAR) in April 2019.

Following the onset of the pandemic, heavy truck sales experienced a sharp decline, reaching a low of 308 thousand SAAR in May 2020. However, sales have since rebounded, with September 2023 seeing a sales rate of 513 thousand SAAR – a decrease from August’s 544 thousand but still an impressive increase from September 2022’s 490 thousand.

Traditionally, heavy truck sales witness a significant decline prior to a recession. However, September’s solid sales indicate a strong market performance. In related news, total vehicle sales, including both heavy and light vehicles, rose to 15.67 million SAAR in September, marking a 15% year-on-year increase.

The impact of vehicle sales on Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) policies is well-documented, although it lags behind the influence of housing. This time around, supply chain disruptions have played a significant role in suppressing vehicle sales. Nevertheless, recent trends show a resurgence in sales.


Source: Heavy Truck Sales Solid in September, Up 5% YoY

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