Gary Hirshberg's Success Tips: Pioneering the Organic Industry

Gary Hirshberg’s Success Tips: Pioneering the Organic Industry

Gary Hirshberg, the co-founder of Stonyfield Farm, the leading organic yogurt producer, and advocate for the organic industry, shares his biggest success tips from his 40-year career.

The Power of Consumers

A key lesson Hirshberg learned early on is that the consumer rules. Brands and retailers conduct extensive research to determine what consumers want, so if consumers demand organic, non-GMO, or sustainable packaging, the market will respond. Consumers have the power to change the world by their choices in the stores.


The Resilience of Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs, according to Hirshberg, are characterized by their ability to quickly bounce back after setbacks. At Stonyfield, it took nine years before the company made a profit. The unique confidence of entrepreneurs allows them to take risks and see opportunities that may intimidate others. Hirshberg and his team launched an organic yogurt company when organic was still a relatively unknown concept.


The Future of Organic

Hirshberg emphasizes that cheap food often comes at a hidden cost, such as environmental degradation and health threats. While the organic industry has grown to a $62 billion market, it still represents only 6% of food consumption. To drive the growth of the organic industry, more consumers need to scrutinize and question labels. By choosing organic, consumers can help solve various problems such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and health issues. Walmart, Costco, and Target are already on board, but the ultimate change will come from informed and conscientious consumers.


Source: This Founder Pioneered the Organic Industry and Built a Leading Yogurt Producer. Here Are His Biggest Success Tips.

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