From JPMorgan to Private Investing: A Career Journey in Finance

From JPMorgan to Private Investing: A Career Journey in Finance


Meet Xaviera Ho, a 29-year-old investment professional who went from landing her dream job at JPMorgan to taking a leap into private investing. In this article, we explore her career journey, the factors that led to her decision, and her reflections on the experience.


Early Interest in Finance

At the age of 16, Xaviera’s interest in finance was sparked by Robert Kiyosaki’s book “Rich Dad Poor Dad.” Inspired by the concept of investing and wealth accumulation, she set her sights on business school and a career in finance.


Building a Foundation in Business School

After graduating high school, Xaviera pursued her studies at the National University of Singapore Business School. There, she immersed herself in internships and co-curricular activities related to finance, gaining valuable experience and expanding her network within the banking industry.


Living the Dream at JPMorgan

Securing a position at JPMorgan, Xaviera was ecstatic to work at her dream firm. Her first year was particularly exciting as she immersed herself in various asset classes and learned from a high-caliber team. She cherished the opportunity to work as a first-year analyst at JPMorgan.


Exploring Impact Investing

During her second year, Xaviera started volunteering at client events which opened her eyes to impact investing. Witnessing innovative technologies and mission-driven businesses making a difference, she realized the potential for growth in this sector and began considering a career shift.


Work-Life Integration Challenges

Two main factors pushed Xaviera away from banking. Firstly, the work culture didn’t align with her outlook on life, as long hours and constant availability impacted work-life balance. Secondly, the bureaucratic nature of a large organization like JPMorgan made it difficult to implement desired changes and have autonomy in decision-making.


Transitioning into Private Investing

With a desire for autonomy and tangible impact, Xaviera made the leap into private investing. Joining a private investment firm, she now enjoys a sense of ownership over the portfolio companies she manages. Despite this career shift, she has no regrets about starting at JPMorgan, acknowledging the branding and networking opportunities it provided.



Xaviera’s journey showcases the importance of pursuing one’s passions and finding alignment between personal values and a career path. Transitioning from JPMorgan to private investing allowed her to have a greater impact and autonomy. Furthermore, she emphasizes the value of starting a finance career at a prestigious institution like JPMorgan for the opportunities and experience gained. Her story serves as inspiration for aspiring finance professionals to navigate their own path with purpose.


Source: I spent years working towards my dream job at JPMorgan in Singapore. But 2 years after I got it, I quit — here’s why.

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