Finding Balance as a Grandparent: How to Set Boundaries and Take Care of Yourself

Finding Balance as a Grandparent: How to Set Boundaries and Take Care of Yourself



Being a grandparent is a joyous experience for many, but it can also come with challenges. For some grandparents, the line between being a doting grandparent and feeling overwhelmed can become blurred. Marjorie Hershberg found herself in this predicament when she realized she was sacrificing her own well-being to care for her grandchildren. Her story serves as a reminder to all grandparents about the importance of setting boundaries and taking care of oneself.


The “Guilty Grandma”

Marjorie Hershberg found herself caught in the role of the “guilty grandma.” She felt she couldn’t say no when her kids asked her to babysit her grandkids. However, she soon realized that this constant caretaking was taking a toll on her physical and emotional health. She decided to have a frank conversation with her daughter, setting boundaries for the sake of the entire family.


A Candid Conversation

Marjorie expressed her concerns to her daughter about the confusion her grandchild felt regarding which house she belonged to. She also explained that the constant caregiving was exhausting her. Despite feeling guilty, Marjorie made it clear that maintaining this dynamic was unhealthy for everyone involved. Her daughter eventually understood and agreed to hire a babysitter for regular childcare needs while utilizing Marjorie’s help only in emergencies.


A Life Coach for “Guilty Grandmas”

Marjorie’s experience led her to start her life-coaching business, “Guilty Grandma’s Coaching.” She recognized that many other grandparents were facing similar challenges and wanted to help them find a balance between supporting their adult children and taking care of their own needs. Marjorie now uses her personal experiences and expertise to guide seniors in navigating this delicate situation.


Changing Dynamics

Today’s boomers are redefining grandparenthood by focusing on their own needs and desires. Instead of assuming the traditional hands-on role, they prioritize travel and entertainment during their retirement years. Marjorie’s own shift in perspective and her decision to prioritize her own happiness and well-being align with this trend.


A Personal Journey

Marjorie excitedly stepped into the role of caregiver for her daughters when they became first-time moms. However, as time went on, the demands of constant childcare began to take a toll on her. She found it challenging to keep up with the new parenting styles and missed spending quality time with her husband. Marjorie also realized that she wasn’t being compensated for her efforts, leading her to ask her daughter for a salary.


The Need for Boundaries

Recognizing that the situation had become overwhelming, Marjorie initiated an honest conversation with her daughter. She set limits and made it clear that she still wanted to be involved in her grandchildren’s lives, but also needed time for herself and her own interests. This mutual agreement allowed both Marjorie and her daughter to establish boundaries that respected each other’s needs.


A Lesson for Others

Marjorie’s experiences have taught her valuable lessons, which she shares with her life-coaching clients. She encourages grandparents to avoid making long-term commitments and advocates for grandparents to be compensated for extended childcare. Ultimately, both parties need to establish clear ground rules and adhere to them to maintain a healthy balance.



Marjorie Hershberg’s journey as a grandparent offers an important reminder about the importance of setting boundaries and taking care of oneself. By prioritizing her own well-being, Marjorie was able to find the balance between being a supportive grandparent and having her own life. Her story serves as a lesson for all grandparents facing similar challenges: it’s okay to take care of yourself and set boundaries for a healthier and happier grandparent-grandchild relationship.


Source: A boomer grandma felt obliged to babysit her grandkids. She wanted her life back and stopped doing it.

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