Controversy Surrounds Military-Themed Brewery Plans in Virginia

Controversy Surrounds Military-Themed Brewery Plans in Virginia

Opposition to Brewery Plans

A military-themed brewery in Norfolk, Virginia, is at the center of controversy due to allegations of racist and homophobic remarks made by one of its owners, Robert J. O’Neill, a former Navy SEAL. O’Neill, who claims to have shot Osama bin Laden, is a small shareholder in Armed Forces Brewing Company and has served as its brand ambassador.

Recent social media complaints by O’Neill and a police report accusing him of using a racial slur have sparked opposition to the brewery’s opening in the military-friendly city. Furthermore, the company’s conservative political leanings, evident in its advertisements, have fueled claims of bigotry. In response to the backlash, Armed Forces Brewing has downplayed O’Neill’s role in the company.


Public Opposition and City Council Vote

With nearly 800 public comments opposing the brewery’s plans, the Norfolk planning commission recommended denying permits for the taproom and distribution center. The brewery also failed to garner support from the local neighborhood association representing the largely Black community of Park Place.

The Norfolk City Council is expected to vote soon on the brewery’s conditional use permits. Armed Forces Brewing has warned that it will sue if the application is rejected, with its lawyer claiming that the planning commission’s decision was based on the owners’ political views.

Opponents argue that the brewery, situated near the nation’s largest Navy base, does not reflect the diversity of the military or liberal-leaning Norfolk. They claim that the company, with its conservative branding, has made no effort to win over the surrounding neighborhoods.


Controversial Statements and Promotional Videos

O’Neill’s August arrest in Texas, where he allegedly assaulted a hotel security officer while intoxicated and used a racial slur, is being cited as evidence of his inappropriate behavior. Furthermore, his social media posts criticizing the Navy for enlisting a sailor who performs as a drag queen have also drawn condemnation.

Opponents have also focused on the views expressed by shareholder and advisor Gretchen Smith. Smith’s posts praising a police officer convicted of killing George Floyd, as well as her association with the conspiracy theory known as the “Great Reset,” have caused controversy.

The company’s promotional videos, some of which feature firing guns, and a tongue-in-cheek advertisement discouraging individuals who watch “The View” or take their children to drag shows, have also drawn criticism.


Company’s Response and Future Prospect

Armed Forces Brewing has emphasized that O’Neill and Smith have limited involvement in the company’s daily operations. The CEO, Alan Beal, has assured that the brewery aims to welcome everyone and support the military community by employing veterans and advocating for their causes.

The brewery’s attorney has stated that the opposition’s concerns are unfounded and that the company does not intend to hold rallies against the LGBTQ community or participate in anything distasteful. However, skeptics remain unconvinced and will continue to voice their concerns.

The upcoming City Council vote will decide the fate of the brewery’s plans in Norfolk, and the outcome is expected to have ramifications for its controversial position within the community.


Source: Inverse version of Bud Light culture war hits Navy town mulling a military-themed brewery: ‘No one is running around the brewing facility with AR-15s’

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