Changing Family Dynamics: The Growing Disconnect Between Boomers and Millennials

Changing Family Dynamics: The Growing Disconnect Between Boomers and Millennials


The generational dynamic between boomers and millennials is shifting, with many millennial parents feeling that their boomer parents are ‘too busy’ to help raise their grandchildren. Unlike previous generations, where it was expected that grandparents would step in to babysit, boomers are prioritizing their own lives and spending their wealth on travel and dining out. At the same time, millennials have a fundamentally different view on parenting and are turning to Google and apps for support and advice, rather than relying on their parents. This growing disconnect between boomers and millennials has created a sense of abandonment and resentment among many millennial parents.


The Oldest Grandparents Ever

Boomers are becoming grandparents at much later ages due to millennials putting off having children until their 30s and 40s. This has led to a shift in priorities for boomers, making the prospect of taking care of grandchildren less appealing. Additionally, millennials have a different view on parenting, finding their parents’ advice and experience to be irrelevant or unwanted. The changing views on parenting have caused a rift between boomers and millennials.


Boomers Focusing on Themselves

Boomers, with their accumulated wealth, are choosing to spend their money on themselves rather than helping their millennial children. This has created feelings of abandonment among millennial parents who were expecting their parents to be more involved in their children’s lives. Boomers are enjoying their retirement years and pursuing their own interests, leaving many millennial parents feeling alone and overwhelmed.


The Need for Support

Millennial parents are feeling the pressure of parenting due to expensive childcare and demanding work schedules. Without access to religious communities and civic groups, millennials are lacking the predictable support systems that previous generations had. They are longing for emotional support and someone who can help relieve the parenting pressure. While boomers may argue that they have supported their children financially, millennials are more focused on quality time and emotional support.


Shifting Generational Dynamics

The changing dynamics between boomers and millennials have created a more contentious relationship. Millennials, who are more socially aware and progressive, may clash with their boomer parents’ views on gender, sex, and politics. This clash further exacerbates the disconnect between the two generations.



The growing disconnect between boomers and millennials is a result of changing priorities, different views on parenting, and the lack of support systems for millennial parents. While boomers are enjoying their retirement and pursuing their own interests, millennial parents are struggling to balance work and family life. Bridging this gap will require honest communication and understanding from both generations.


Source: Boomers seem to have traded in the child-raising village for traveling. Now millennial parents say they have no one to support them.

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