Building a Dream Home in Bali: A Couple's Journey

Building a Dream Home in Bali: A Couple’s Journey

Finding the Perfect Land

After falling in love with the beauty of Bali, Anna-Carina Tetzner and Sean Peel made the bold decision to leave their lives in Australia and build a dream home on the island. They found a plot of land just outside Ubud, a town known for its cultural heritage, and signed a lease agreement.


A Unique Modular Design

In order to overcome the challenges of limited access to the property, Tetzner and Peel decided to build a modular home. This allowed them to have components of the house built offsite and easily transported to the site. The couple opted for a steel frame and wood panel construction, as they wanted to avoid common issues like mold and moisture that can arise with traditional brick and cement homes.


Challenges and Triumphs

The couple faced their fair share of challenges during the construction process. Starting the project during the rainy season meant they had to work around the weather, and communication barriers with local contractors required some creative problem-solving. Despite these challenges, Tetzner and Peel persevered and completed their home within approximately six months.


A Modern Oasis

The couple’s home is made up of three connected rectangular buildings, with an open floor plan that allows the island breeze to flow through. The dark gray steel exterior provides a striking contrast against the lush greenery of the surrounding landscape. The design of the house reflects the couple’s love for simplicity and modernity.


The Journey Continues

Tetzner and Peel have already started planning their next project: building another home further north of their current location. They are excited to continue their journey in Bali and explore all that the island has to offer.


Advice for Others

The couple offers some valuable advice for those considering building their dream home in Bali. They recommend doing thorough research, getting multiple quotes from contractors, and taking the time to live in Bali and learn about the local culture before making such a significant life change.


Source: They fell in love with Bali after visiting 3 years in a row. Step inside the sleek, modern home they built in the jungle.

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