Brett Favre to Provide Sworn Testimony on Misuse of Federal Welfare Money

Brett Favre to Provide Sworn Testimony on Misuse of Federal Welfare Money

Retired NFL quarterback Brett Favre has been summoned to give sworn testimony about the misspending of federal welfare money in Mississippi. Favre, along with other influential individuals, allegedly supported pet projects using funds earmarked for assisting the state’s poorest citizens. The deposition is scheduled to take place on October 26 at a hotel in Hattiesburg, as stated in the notice filed by Mississippi’s Department of Human Services attorneys. Favre, a Pro Football Hall of Famer, is just one of more than three dozen defendants named in a lawsuit that seeks restitution of the misappropriated welfare funds.

Favre maintains his innocence in the matter and has taken legal action against the state auditor, whom he accuses of defamation. The former quarterback also claims to have repaid any misused welfare funds.

Mississippi has long struggled with poverty, but only a small portion of its federal welfare funds have actually reached needy families. Instead, the state’s Department of Human Services allowed connected individuals to divert $77 million of federal welfare money between 2016 and 2019, according to investigations by state and federal prosecutors, as well as the state auditor. Shockingly, a substantial sum of about $5 million was directed towards funding a volleyball arena at the University of Southern Mississippi, Favre’s alma mater, where his daughter played volleyball. Furthermore, $1.7 million was allocated to the development of a concussion treatment drug, a project also backed by Favre.

No criminal charges have been brought against Favre thus far, although several individuals, including a former department director, have pleaded guilty to their involvement. Favre sought to be removed as a defendant in the civil lawsuit filed in Hinds County Circuit Court and the Mississippi Supreme Court. However, both of his requests were denied.

The upcoming deposition will be conducted with an oral examination in the presence of a court reporter, and there may also be a video recording. A court-approved confidentiality order will keep all the testimony private for at least 30 days following its completion.


Source: Brett Favre will testify in Mississippi case over misspent welfare money, including $5m that helped fund a volleyball arena that the NFL star supported

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