A Lesson Learned: How Being Banned from Facebook Improved My Life

A Lesson Learned: How Being Banned from Facebook Improved My Life

Eleven years. That’s how long I had been using Facebook before it suddenly suspended my account. Shocked and confused, I tried to understand why. I had used Facebook for both my business marketing and staying connected with friends and family around the world.

The email from Facebook gave me 30 days to disagree with their decision, but it provided no explanation. I felt helpless, unable to communicate with friends, clients, and connections. It was a distressing situation that left me feeling cut off from the world.

Weeks passed, and as I struggled to resolve the issue, something began to shift. I realized that the forced shutdown was actually a blessing in disguise. It forced me to examine my Facebook habits and recognize the impact it had on my mental health.

I had become accustomed to constantly posting and checking notifications, even when the app wasn’t open. This constant mental chatter was a drain on my well-being, akin to multiple apps running in the background of a slow computer. The ban acted as a reboot, allowing me to experience much-needed calm and clarity.

During the months that followed, I discovered some valuable lessons. Firstly, I realized that short breaks from social media weren’t enough to truly clear my head. It took me about two weeks to feel better after leaving Facebook, indicating the need for a longer and more intentional detox. For me, a seven-day break from my other social media accounts proved to be the sweet spot.

Secondly, the ban made me take a closer look at the quality of my relationships. I asked myself who I truly valued and wanted to stay connected with on a deeper level. This led me to prioritize meaningful connections and invest more time and energy in nurturing those relationships.

Lastly, the experience helped me recognize that my strength lies in writing nuanced long-form content. Facebook, with its focus on scrolling and brief updates, wasn’t aligned with my natural abilities.

Although the initial panic and powerlessness over being banned from Facebook were overwhelming, I eventually came to appreciate the experience. It provided me with a fresh perspective and made a positive impact on my business, relationships, and overall mental well-being.


Source: I was banned from Facebook — and I’m glad. I felt FOMO at first, but then I realized my mental health improved.

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